Heaven's Hell 繪者:Anthony Jones
發行日期: 2013.7
●詳細說明 Heaven's Hell - The Art Book
內容介紹:“When you die on your world, you are born in this world. Some may call this the afterlife, a spiritual rebirth, heaven, hell, damnation. For me, it’s my playground.” —Lasaaj (a character from Heaven’s Hell)
This book explores the world of Heaven’s Hell, a place that takes place in the afterlife. The premise is that when you die, your spirit or soul is transported to another realm of being. The life you were living before was a test to prepare you for the afterlife. Because in your new life, you will have to fight, not only for your survival, but also for rewards. The rewards are given to those who are victorious in ending the existence of others in huge battle arenas, and they grant people divine intervention and power that essentially help them communicate back to their old worlds. Sometimes it’s for good, sometimes for bad, helping to illuminate the existence of miracles and tragic disasters throughout all religious history.
Follow top educator Anthony Jones on his adventure of creating a fascinating place where imagination has no bounds.
Anthony Jones 真是為人才。去年再 LA 拿過他的課才知道他只花了ㄧ年的時間從完全不會畫圖到 Pro. 在那一年當中他每天都苦畫16小時之久。真是令人敬佩!
回覆刪除喔對了, 他媽媽是韓國人, 爸爸則是美國黑人。